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Digital synthesis Model

The purpose of this Synthesis model task was to take inspiration from different architectural aspects and collage them together in a 3D format to help come up with some concepts for our final major projects 

3D synthesis Model

For the next part of this exercise I decided to physically build some of the key inspirational elements from my digital synthesis model, this also allowed me to play around with physical collage and special experimentation before photoshopping key ideas for my project into the photos.

model photoshop 2.1.png
water collage 1.2.png
Untitled design - 2024-04-30T140055.289.png

Concept Collage

With the development through my Digital Synthesis model and my 3D physical Synthesis Model it helped me come up with some creative ideas, this inspired me to make a concept collage, these steps helped me come up with some key ideas for my final major project.


Throughout this this part of the project i learnt how to think creatively when coming up with space ideas, it allowed me to experiment with different structures and the relationship they have with each other, this process also helped me develop strong concept ideas which will benifit the rest of my project.

Ideas collage jpg333.jpg
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